Duke Cannon

Duke Cannon Best D*** Beard Amplifier

Our light-weight and non-oily formula is built to refresh and moisturize hardworking beards while taking down a great beard’s number one sworn enemy: dryness.

Duke Cannon Coal Miner Oil Control Face Wash

Duke Cannon wakes up each morning prepared to attack the workday, not a 10am spa appointment for his T-zone.

Duke Cannon News Anchor Thickening Hair Wash (Multiple Scents)

The Pulitzer Prize for Hair is not a thing, but if it were, you'd be looking at it right now. Duke Cannon's News Anchor 2-in-1 Hair Wash is formulated with premium ingredients to clean and condition the hair of hard-working men.

Duke Cannon Best D**** Beard Wash 6 oz (Multiple Scents)

Do your duty and allow your customers to civilize their beards with Duke Cannon's Best Damn Beard Wash.

Duke Cannon Superior Grade Shaving Cream

Duke Cannon Superior Grade Shaving Cream is for men of higher taste, not clowns.

Duke Cannon News Anchor Power Clean

A head of thick, healthy hair doesn't happen by accident. Simple, routine maintenance is required to ensure it's always ready for prime time.

Duke Cannon Cold Shower Body Scrub

Duke Cannon's Cold Shower Ice-Cold Body Scrub should be considered a warning against the threat of a post-shower sweat.

Duke Cannon Energizing Cleanser Face Wash

This energizing cleanser is built to ward off the effects of the daily grind - leaving your complexion clear, hydrated, and scurvy free.